Calling Methods
WashU Analysis Tools
- Genome Modeling Tools
- BreakDancer (SVs)
- Somatic Sniper (SNVs)
- CMDS (Copy Number)
SAM/BAM Format
Short Read Aligners
Somatic Mutation Calling
VarScan calls somatic variants (SNPs and indels) using a heuristic method and a statistical test based on the number of aligned reads supporting each allele.Command
The syntax of the command for somatic mutation calling differs somewhat from germline calling -jar VarScan.jar somatic normal.pileup tumor.pileup output.basename
The above command will report germline, somatic, and LOH events at positions where both normal and tumor samples have sufficient coverage (default: 8). If the --validation flag is set to 1, it also report non-variant (reference) calls at all positions with sufficient coverage, for the purpose of refuting false positives with validation data.
This command expects both a normal and a tumor file in SAMtools pileup format. from sequence alignments in binary alignment/map (BAM) format. To build a pileup file, you will need:- A SAM/BAM file ("myData.bam") that has been sorted using the sort command of SAMtools.
- The reference sequence ("reference.fasta") to which reads were aligned, in FASTA format.
- The SAMtools software package.
SAMtools Before v0.1.16 (r973): Use pileup
Older versions of SAMtools support the pileup command, which expects a single BAM and a reference sequence. If possible, do NOT include -c or -v, as these will generate consensus format. VarScan supports this format but does not use SAMtools consensus information.samtools pileup -f [reference sequence] [BAM file] >myData.pileup
This Perl snippet shows you how to pipe input from SAMtools into VarScan:
$normal_pileup = "samtools pileup -f $reference $normal_bam"; $tumor_pileup = "samtools pileup -f $reference $tumor_bam";
To limit the pileup to reads with mapping quality > 0 (recommended), use this variation:
$normal_pileup = "samtools view -b -u -q 1 $normal_bam | samtools pileup -f $reference -"; $tumor_pileup = "samtools view -b -u -q 1 $tumor_bam | samtools pileup -f $reference -";
Next, issue a system call that pipes input from these commands into VarScan :
bash -c \"java -jar VarScan.jar somatic <\($normal_pileup\) <\($tumor_pileup\) output
SAMtools v0.1.17 (r973) and Later: Use mpileup
As of SAMtools v0.1.17 (r973) and later, the pileup command is deprecated and has been replaced with mpileup to accommodate multi-sample calling. You can still generate a pileup file, but make sure you provide only a single BAM:samtools mpileup -f [reference sequence] [BAM file] >myData.pileup
Do NOT use any of the variant- or consensus-calling parameters. You just want the raw pileup output. This Perl snippet shows you how to pipe input from SAMtools into VarScan:
$normal_pileup = "samtools mpileup -f $reference $normal_bam"; $tumor_pileup = "samtools mpileup -f $reference $tumor_bam";
To limit the pileup to reads with mapping quality > 0 (recommended), use this variation:
$normal_pileup = "samtools mpileup -q 1 -f $reference $normal_bam"; $tumor_pileup = "samtools mpileup -q 1 -f $reference $tumor_bam";
Next, issue a system call that pipes input from these commands into VarScan :
bash -c \"java -jar VarScan.jar somatic <\($normal_pileup\) <\($tumor_pileup\) output
Normal/Tumor Input Parsing
In somatic mode, VarScan reads the pileup files from normal and tumor simultaneously. Only positions that are present in both files, and meet the minimum coverage in both files, will be compared. VarScan expects that positions on the same chromosome occur in ascending order, so input should be position-sorted! Please note, this kind of simultaneous parsing gets tricky when there are numerous reference sequences (e.g. unplaced contigs) to which reads from only one sample aligned. VarScan tries to obtain the maximum number of comparisons, even if it means closing and reopening the normal file to try to match contig and position. This can lead to looping errors; please report them if you see a number of warmings about "Resetting normal file..." and (if possible) send us sample pileups.Variant Calling and Comparison
At every position where both normal and tumor have sufficient coverage, a comparison is made. First, normal and tumor are called independently using the germline consensus calling functionality. Then, their genotypes are compared by the following algorithm:If tumor matches normal:
If tumor and normal match the reference
==> Call Reference
Else tumor and normal do not match the reference
==> Call Germline
Else tumor does not match normal:
Calculate significance of allele frequency difference by Fisher's Exact Test
If difference is significant (p-value < threshold):
If normal matches reference
==> Call Somatic
Else If normal is heterozygous
==> Call LOH
Else normal and tumor are variant, but different
==> Call IndelFilter or Unknown
Else difference is not significant:
Combined tumor and normal read counts for each allele. Recalculate p-value.
==> Call Germline
VarScan creates two output files by default, one for SNVs (.snp) and one for indels (.indel). If the --validation flag is turned on, a third file (.validation) will also be generated containing all positions that were called. Output files have headers, and all share the same format. The table below describes each field in VarScan native output format, along with where to find the same value in VCF's INFO (column 8), NORMAL (column 10), or TUMOR (column 11) fields.Native Output Field | VCF Field | Description |
chrom | CHROM | Chromosome or reference name |
position | POS | Position from pileup (1-based) |
ref | REF | Reference base at this position |
var | ALT | Variant base seen in tumor |
normal_reads1 | RD (col 10) | Reads supporting reference in normal |
normal_reads2 | AD (col 10) | Reads supporting variant in normal |
normal_var_freq | FREQ(col 10) | Variant allele frequency in normal |
normal_gt | GT (col 10) | Consensus genotype call in normal |
tumor_reads1 | RD (col 11) | Reads supporting reference in tumor |
tumor_reads2 | AD (col 11) | Reads supporting variant in tumor |
tumor_var_freq | FREQ(col 11) | Variant allele frequency in tumor |
tumor_gt | GT (col 11) | Consensus genotype call in tumor |
somatic_status | SS (col 8) | Somatic status call (Germline, Somatic, LOH, or Unknown) |
variant_p_value | GPV (col 8) | Variant p-value for Germline events |
somatic_p_value | SPV (col 8) | Somatic p-value for Somatic/LOH events |
tumor_reads1_plus | DP4 (col 11) | Tumor reference-supporting reads on + strand |
tumor_reads1_minus | DP4 (col 11) | Tumor reference-supporting reads on - strand |
tumor_reads2_plus | DP4 (col 11) | Tumor variant-supporting reads on + strand |
tumor_reads2_minus | DP4 (col 11) | Tumor variant-supporting reads on - strand |
normal_reads1_plus | DP4 (col 10) | Normal reference-supporting reads on + strand |
normal_reads1_minus | DP4 (col 10) | Normal reference-supporting reads on - strand |
normal_reads2_plus | DP4 (col 10) | Normal variant-supporting reads on + strand |
normal_reads2_minus | DP4 (col 10) | Normal variant-supporting reads on - strand |
Isolating Calls by Type and Confidence
The latest release of VarScan includes a new (undocumented) subcommand that will separate a somatic output file by somatic_status (Germline, Somatic, LOH). Somatic mutations will further be classified as high-confidence (.hc) or low-confidence (.lc). The command:java -jar VarScan.jar processSomatic [output.snp]
The above command will produce 4 output files:
output.snp.Somatic.hc (high-confidence Somatic mutations) (low-confidence Somatic mutations) output.snp.Germline (sites called Germline) output.snp.LOH (sites called loss-of-heterozygosity, or LOH)